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Re: Source for 1160 Printers for inkjet negatives
Many on the Epson list talk about switching back and forth between "compatible"
inksets. The switch between the MIS archival color set and their Quad set is
reported to be fine since the base of the inks are the same. It's just a matter of
pulling one cart, wrapping it carefully in plastic wrap so it does not leak or dry
out, putting in the other cart and printing a flush pattern for several pages to get
the old ink out of the small reservoirs in the heads.
I have two inkjet printers so I have not tested this but the Epson list archives
should have more war stories from those who do.
Judy Seigel wrote:
> Thanks for the reminder, Guy.... it comes back to me that they were saying
> that on the Epson list. But now that Keith gives me permission to just do
> BLACK, I think I'll NOT change inks. Because then if I want to print color
> I have to get ANOTHER printer (right?). I've already got two, the inkjet &
> a laser for text (post script), and hardly have room for one. The Epson
> has been bumped into 40 times (it's totally in the way) and all the
> extensions go flying into space ... so where would I put a 3rd????
> If I got the quadtones just for a frenzy of negative making, what would be
> involved in getting the color back? Or is that a one-way street?