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Re: Printmaking in the Sun

"Gordon J. Holtslander" wrote:
> Has anyone tried the processes(es) in this book?  I took a photo-etching
> workshop years ago and make one plate and a bunch of prints from it.

Yes, I worked on printmaking as a minor for my MFA, using almost
exclusively polymer plates. The process I saw first was developed by
Strange Ross of Sweden. He is using Photoshop now and his work is pretty
amazing. go to: http://axp.psl.ku.dk/~ross/index.html

Also, there is another book on the subject _Polymer Gravure: A New
Method for Photographer and Graphic Artists_.

...didn't we talk about this a few weeks back

> <SNIP>
> All the prepress work was done at a prepress shop - wonder if this could
> be done by computer now?

yes, even laser printers can yield ok results, here's some of my
graduate school prints

Darryl Baird