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RE: Shell Life of Van Dyke Sensitizer

Sam says (regarding Van Dyke):

>However, if you want maximum D-Max, obviously you aren't going to get
>it from a solution with half of the silver attaching itself to the

With Van Dyke, I've never been able to get anywhere near the DMAX of
kallitype, even when the silver is still in the solution.  Is this typically
the case, or am I doing something wrong?  Regardless of the paper used, Van
Dykes seem to have less than half the shadow density of a kallitype, and
this is even with a double coating of Van Dyke sensitizer.

>By the way, the silver nitrate is the last solution to add to the
>mix, and it should be added a few drops at a time, with vigorous
>agitation. Otherwise it will not go into solution and show up as

Oh!  I'll certainly make a note of this in the margin of the Farber book!

