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Just spent the afternoon cyanotyping a boat.

A friend had just finished making a small boat with a white fabric hull.
I had got him into alt-photo earlier this year.

He decided he wanted to decorate the boat with a cyanotype photogram

We coated a stripe  the goes from the top down 4 inches the length of the

To do the photogram.  We layed out a strip of 4 inch wide packing
tape as long as the boat sticky side up.  With the help of 6 kids we
placed a bunch of different leaves etc along the tape.

We then lifted the tape with the objects on it and taped it to the coated
portion of the boat, put the boat in the sun and left it there for 20
minutes.  Then put it in the shade, pulled the tape off and developed the
cyanotype by hosing it down with water.

It looks good - a nice blue stripe with leaf shapes etc along the top edge
of the boat.

Gordon J. Holtslander		Dept. of Biology
holtsg@duke.usask.ca		112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg	University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433		Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461		Canada  S7N 5E2