From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/02/01-01:29:30 AM Z
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jack Fulton wrote:
> A PDF is the Adobe format to preserve the combination of text and image. You
> would have a perfect reason to create PDF's for each of your 'zines.
> It means Portable Document Format.
As I explained to Joe offlist, I sort of knew that, but I play dumb
because I know/fear I have to learn it and I'm all learned out. I mention
this onlist because it may be of general interest & may stir up some
I'm told that I can put a file right on my post-factory "directory" to be
accessed by a web link, for instance through the P-F website that Wayde
has heroically hosted. I don't intend to do that with current material
(for reasons previously told) but an article upcoming for #6 on bromoil
has got some historic material -- a couple of golden oldies -- that would
be nice to share & tooooo long to include. So we thought of a hybrid -- a
*Supplement* to be downloaded -- OR gotten by REGULAR mail, because -- I
know you're not going to believe this, not every genius artist has web
The point is, at this point it's in hard copy, not digits, so I'd have to
OCR first. And there are photos. So I make a copy in PAGEMAKER & then PDF
that? Isn't that trickier to download? Or text and photos separate? I've
not succeeded in doing ANYTHING with PDF files, but as noted that may just
be my position on the learning curve.
> The reason it'd be good for Post Factory is that all you have made . . . and
> I think you work in Quark . . . can be easily turned into a PDF. That is, if
> you use Quark 4.0.
Pagemaker 6.5. I read somewhere that Pagemaker is actually better than
Quark for web, tho that was a couple of years ago... I guess Quark caught
> Also, may I have your permission to reproduce portions (cyanotype and lith
> film info) of P-FPJ for my class handouts. I want to make a nice bound book
> for each of my classes and include extracted information and all the sources
> for obtaining books, magazines, chemicals and other supplies.
Let me know which parts you want...If you want the lith reversal, check
with Liam... but... do your students appreciate ?? -- how much research is
part of art? Do they get helpless? Or do you raise the bar for what you
expect them to turn out? I think about that some -- as teachers we want
them to start where we are... but there may be law of diminishing returns.
I've had students find my name in the FAQ and e-mail a question would mean
doing their thesis for them... Well, I guess I digress. Anyway, can I have
a copy? (I want Joe's article.)
> Joe Portale will hopefully give me permission to repro his good salt article
> (in PDF form) info and I have Prof. Jolly's (from UC Berkeley) excellent
> article on solarization to include.
Sorry Jack, but that "excellent article" on solarization has some errors.
Another case of generalization from the particular... I know it's heresy
to say that -- but fax is fax.
> I spoke w/my friend Harry in NY. He said it's been snowing. then, I read
> about that shootout near you. Wild times in the city.
It was on the next block -- I never knew about it until I read the
Villager. I gather it was somewhat half-hearted -- a lot of bang bang,
little to show for it. But no gloating please, NYC has the LOWEST crime
rate of any big city in the country, AND lower than S. F., just in case
you didn't know.
> If I have time, I want to run down to LA and learn some good gum info from
> Bernie Boudreau, a master. Then you and I will be able to converse about the
> fine points of Demachy.
Say Hi to Bernie for me... he IS a master. I sure would like to meet
him... Demachy also was amazing !!!... I recently read through the old
Camera Notes, where he was a frequent contributor. For instance he did a
17-page review of the Philadelphia salon, maybe 1899. What I want to know
(anybody???) was did he have a translator, or did he write perfect
ENGLISH? His gum how-to appeared in English almost instantly. It's also
interesting that gum info spread just as rapidly in this country as
Daguerreotype had -- the photo mags had LOTS of articles by 1900 -- most
of them saying how easy it is.
PS. I think we have more snow coming up. My son in Seattle called to say
he survived earthquake, but the freezer popped open & everything fell out.
A friend near Olympia said their chimney lost some bricks.
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| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
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