From: sam tischler (
Date: 03/28/01-09:59:13 AM Z
Try double coating
--- Ginger Sheridan <> wrote:
> I have been printing Palladium for years. I use B&S
> kits, a velvet brush. I
> have had no problems. This week I coated a new batch
> of paper, using a
> glass rod. I coated it at school, which means I did
> not have as clean a
> space as at home - but I was careful.
> When I developed the prints, the dark area glowed a
> sort of metallic copper
> color. It did not go away with fixing. I have never
> seen this before. It is
> sort of like Sabbatier. Only in the dark shadow
> areas are light and
> coppery. The rest of the image is fine. I printed
> another image at the same
> time/same conditions which had no shadows. It didn't
> have any of this effect.
> At first I suspected the glass rod (sorry B&S) but
> then I had a piece of
> paper from the same batch that was coated by velvet
> (I have been using the
> same velvet for years, so that is not it). It did
> the same thing with the
> shadow area of the print.
> Any insight? It was very cold (for Florida) - so
> perhaps my chemicals were
> cold when coating. Would that have done it? I know
> of no metal
> contamination - nothing I used was metal. Could
> there be a trace of other
> alt processes (cyanotype or Van Dyke or Sprint B&W
> chemicals) in the
> container I used. If so, it would have been
> minuscule - could that have
> done it?
> Thanks for any suggestions. I have coating another
> round and will print
> next week to see if it was a fluke.
> All the best,
> Ginger Sheridan
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