From: Craig Koshyk (
Date: 05/24/01-01:21:37 PM Z
> Don't laugh, but have considered using a digital camera for this project?
> Since you are going digital anyway, what is there to lose? The cost of the
> camera might be offset by the money you'll save in not having to scan.
> Just a thought.
I've thought about it and have had to reject the option for now. I have
digital cameras for the classes I give in my studio ( Canon D-30, not bad in
the studio or in light field use but terrible in low light etc. and a Pentax
EI 2000, the worst camera ever designed by mankind) I do appreciate the
advantages that digital capture can offer for some things. However given the
scope and demands of the project I think that current digital cameras will
not be up to the task. I will need to shoot a few thousand photos in a
dozen or more countries over a two year period. I will be working in all
kinds of nasty weather and field conditions (I am photographing hunting
dogs) and I really need the highest resolution possible for a coffe table
type book.
I'd like to be able to shoot it all digitally, I'd save a ton on film and
scanning but the cons outweigh the pros. I really wish the current crop of
digi-cameras came close to what the salesmen claim but I've used 'em and
I've seen the photos. For now I will just say " thanks, but not yet".
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