From: Alberto Novo (
Date: 10/06/01-01:48:21 PM Z
From: lva []
Sent: giovedى 4 ottobre 2001 15.51
Object: Re: pigments and more
>> Yeah, pardon my New York sarcasm (see, we're coming back)...
> Glad to see that. Seriously, is there any chance I could get 50 or so
> grams of that fine white dust from the towers?
> Brahma
I have found a Judy's post on 1995:
> But what if we follow
> Rand's health laws scrupulously and still succumb? The good news is
> that even after death we can partake of photography. Here is a suggestion
> from the 10th edition of that great classic "Photographic Amusements" by
> Frapie and Woodbury.
> It's at the end of a section on "Photographs in Any Color," here in terms
> of the "powder" or "dusting on" process:
> "[This is] a plan of making 'post-mortem' photographs of cremated friends
> and relations. A plate is prepared from a negative of the dead person in
> the manner described, and the ashes dusted over. They will adhere to the
> parts unexposed to light, and a portrait is obtained composed entirely of
> the person it represents, or rather what is left of them." [p. 128.]
The likeliness is very high indeed.
However, all this is too gruesome to my personal feeling, as for me the
airborne WTC dust is more similar to the soot of the Auschwitz chimneys than
a simple earth pigment.
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