From: Gary Beasley (
Date: 10/24/01-05:57:06 PM Z
At 04:29 PM 10/24/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I have been lucky it enoght to have receicved an Argus23
>horizonal graphic arts camera with 240mm compur lens. Has anyone
>used a stat camer to make nice big negs ( think paper to start with).
>the size is abot has a vaccum pump and a nice copy easal that
>is a traffic printing frame. It was free for the taking from a newspaper
>who had go all digital....
>love to hear any war storys regarding using stat cameras as taking camera,
>not so much as a copy camera ....
>thanks for your time
>Jeff Foster
>UC Berkeley CA
It's been done several times, I even shot pictures of myself and a
co-worker with the copy camera at the Daily News. 4000 watts of light made
for a squinty portrait :-)
First I ever saw of it was a reproduction in a photo mag of the Golden Gate
Bridge shot with a 16x20 copy camera mounted in the back of a van. The
tonality of even the repro was fantastic. To bad these things have no
movements. Imagine how hard it is to point and compose with a van mounted
I vaguely remember using a camera by that name once. Is it fairly
lightweight (for a horizontal copy camera, meaning one person can move it)
and have a vacuum cleaner type pump and a vacuum back that is translucent
to double as a focusing screen?
It would take some redesign to eliminate the copy board and forward part of
the frame to be able to get a picture without part of the frame being in it.
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