From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 10/25/01-07:49:54 PM Z
On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Sandy King wrote:
> What happens is that if you type in a word that the program finds
> offensive your message gets glossed with of one to three bright red
> peppers. Then, when you try to send the message you get a warning to
> the effect that this message could result in getting your mouth
> washed out with soup (or something like this) if it goes out. If you
(chicken soup?)
> click to send anyway the program queues up the message and leaves on
> the queue for about 30 minutes before actually sending it.
An op ed piece in yesterday's NY Times, "Bowdlerized by Microsoft,"
pointed out that the Word 2000 thesaurus has eliminated all words
considered "offensive... to ensure that the tools reflect current social
and cultural environments." The incident was precipitated by Mark
Goldblatt being dissatisfied with the word "fool," and wanting a variant.
He got only "trick," a verb, and no noun at all to suggest dumbness.
"Idiot" was not found, nor were goon, ninny, nincompoop, nitwit, dullard,
dunce or dolt. Etc. He called a friend with Word 97, which provided a
rich assortment, from ninny to dunderhead and ignoramus.
The explanation quoted above was provided by Kate, a spokesperson for the
Mark concludes, "If we erase every noun connoting below-average
intelligence, the world instantly becomes a smarter place.... Now if only
Microsoft would erase 'hypocrisy' and 'chaos.'"
PS: Am wondering if "bowdlerized" has been excised... ? Isn't there an
e-mail program that's less coercive ? Enforced nicey nicey is but
a hair away from absolute thought control. I'm surprised there hasn't been
more protest. (On the bright side, according to one NY Times article, MSW
is doooooomed !)
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