From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: 09/25/01-02:18:22 PM Z
At 09:59 AM 09/25/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I have made 2 small (4*5) contact frames, fitted with quartz glass (..if
>you have to know..;-).. I obtained them from a automatic DNA sequencer,
>without going into detail, but this maschine uses a sensor to measure
>fluoresence, emitted by labeled DNA after it is hit by a laser beam. The
>DNA is "moved" by electrophoreses between 2 thin plates of quartz glass,
>filed with a matrix)..Anyway I got a few of these broken plates, hence
>the smallish contact frame size
>To cut a long story short: in my inexact testings there was no apperant
>speed gain between regulair glass and quartz glass for Cyanotype and Zia
I never saw the original glass. The guy dropped the printer on the way to
a sale and smashed the top plate and cracked the diffuser plate. The
diffuser broke cleanly into two pieces so is still usable. It seems to be
made of glass which looks clear from the edge. It may be that the original
top plates were green glass, I've not seen another printer since to look at.
The guy was so disgusted with himself that he sold me the printer for $20
US. I had a top glass made at a glass shop for about $8.00. All the lamps
work fine although they are probably not up to their original brightness.
That also probably doesn't matter.
These things were intended for printing on very slow contact paper. I
think most of the aerial paper was similar to Azo or Ansco Convira, maybe
even slower, so there is plenty of output.
My printer is somewhat unusual since it is equipped with an adjustable
printing mask instead of the usual roll holders.
---- Richard Knoppow Los Angeles, CA, USA
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