Date: 08/23/02-11:11:14 AM Z
Here's what feminist critic Abigal Solomon-Godeau has to say (in 1991) on
the subject:
"...whatever the elements that differentiate an art photograph of a female
nude encountered in a museum from a photographic pin-up, both types of image
may posit a similar-- if not identical-- set of subject/ object relations,
and induce or foster fantasies that are themselves symptoms of the unequal
ordering of sexual difference."
"Insofar as the various mechanisms of representation function to position
women as object-of-the-gaze -- be it the voyeuristic gaze of mastery,
imaginary knowledge, or possession, or the fetishistic gaze that
simultaneously denies and commemorates sexual difference-- the act of looking
itself will be articulated through these psychic and social structures."
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