From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: 01/28/02-09:19:15 PM Z
At 03:21 PM 01/28/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Maybe Richard Knoppow can help us out on this one than, I always
>assumed/thought that there is Hypo in KRS..
Yup. The concentrate is about 25% Ammonium thiosulfate. There are other
types of Selenium toners. Most of them contain sodium sulfide.
T-55 does not appear to be the same as KRST. There is an MSDS for KRST on
the Kodak site and on
>Andre Fuhrmann wrote:
>> >On the T55 formula: this toner doesn't contain amoniumthiosulphate as
>> >Kodak's RSE, as has been said before.
>> Sorry, but according to the lable on _my_ bottle of KRS not so: KRS
>> contains selenium and sodium sulfit only, no hypo. I bought the
>> bottle in Germany and, believe me, if there were hypo in it, European
>> regulations certainly would require that it be mentioned on the label.
>> André
---- Richard Knoppow Los Angeles, CA, USA
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