Re: gold toning van dyke browns

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 01/29/02-02:32:33 AM Z

Hi Andre,

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Andre Fuhrmann wrote:

> >On the T55 formula: this toner doesn't contain amoniumthiosulphate as
> >Kodak's RSE, as has been said before.
> Sorry, but according to the lable on _my_ bottle of KRS not so: KRS
> contains selenium and sodium sulfit only, no hypo. I bought the
> bottle in Germany and, believe me, if there were hypo in it, European
> regulations certainly would require that it be mentioned on the label.

My bottle of KRS is probably 10 years old, so maybe not relevant anyway --
but it doesn't list ANY ingredients, never to my recollection has. I think
though maybe the Photo Lab Index would tell... but assuming KRS is same
here as there (and I can attest that CocaCola ISN'T -- I couldn't DRINK
the CocaCola in Switzerland, nasty stuff), it has fixer.

But here's a way to settle it for yourself... bleach a test print, say
with a standard ferricyanide bleach (equal parts K ferricyanide & K
bromide, or even table salt, in some water, add some acid if you're in a
hurry), rinse, and put in the KRS, say 1 to 10, or 1 to 20.... slosh it
around a bit, rinse again -- and then put back in developer. If you do
that in US, it will NOT redevelop, because the silver halide has been
fixed away.

As for putting it on the label, well, maybe euro is REALLY changed, when I
lived there (admittedly a lifetime ago) NOTHING was on the label -- and
they charged more for the large size because it cost more to make the
container (anyway in the supermarket). But my guess would be that even now
they only have to list dangerous or poisonous, which the fixer probably as
far as I know isn't, really -- or maybe Kodak is going to be in a bunch of



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