RE: crispy microdetails on print

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From: Monnoyer Philippe (
Date: 07/01/02-07:10:15 AM Z

Thank you Carl. I am already using FP4+ sheet films processed in pyro
with a maximum Optical Density of 2.2. I also sometimes use Gevatone
N31p processed with extreme Dmax of 2.8
As I work with pure Pd, I can afford such extreme contrasts. However I
think a Dmax of 2.8 is too much.
Maybe the famous Buxton paper will give a better result then the Arches
Pt I am currently using.


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Carl Weese []
|Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 14:29
|Subject: Re: crispy microdetails on print
|If the detail you want is being lost in the texture of the
|paper surface,
|then a smoother sizing could be helpful. However, you may be
|able to have
|better results by improving your negative. For example, if you
|are using
|Ilford HP5+, switching to FP4+ will increase the micro-contrast of the
|negative in a way that will almost certainly show up on the
|print. Switch to
|a high accutance developer and the microcontrast will go up
|again. Go to a
|pyro formula and the perception of sharpness and contrast in the fine
|details of the print will again be enhanced. If you are doing
|possible to foster microcontrast in your negatives and still
|want more, then
|a switch to a harder, smoother surface paper may help. I'd
|leave additional
|sizing as a last resort. Platine, btw, is sized with starch,
|not gelatin, so
|I don't know what would happen if you add an external size of
|gelatin to the
|paper's internal sizing.---Carl
| web site with picture galleries
| and workshop information at:
|>From: Monnoyer Philippe <>
|>Subject: crispy microdetails on print
|>Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2002, 7:14 AM
|> Hi Folks,
|> I am currently printing in pure palladium on Arches Pt. I am quite
|> satisfied. However, I would like to increase the microdetails on my
|> print. I guess that I could achieve it by an additional sizing of the
|> paper with gelatin.
|> Any experience to share on concentrations etc ? .... and if
|possible a
|> straight forward simple method. As one says, Keep it simple ...
|> Thanks,
|> Philippe

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