From: Hamish Stewart (
Date: 07/02/02-04:18:28 PM Z
On 2/7/02 19:13, "Richard Sullivan" <> wrote:
> When Stuart brought out his 20 x 24 twelve coat gums there was a audible
> murmur in the audience. Those prints are unlike anything I've ever seen,
> and if I did not know, I would have guessed they were carbons except for
> the luminosity. They had an unearthly glow to them. Microdetail yes, but
> since they were 20 x 24 pinhole and zone plates so it's hard to lay that on
> him in a negative sense. They were certainly not your Photo 101 gritty
> gums. Stuart has been working over a year of perfecting some new
> techniques. I am trying to get him to write a book and I am slowly getting
> through to him. He says he'd rather make prints! Can't argue with that!
These prints sound amazing, hope to have the chance to see them in the flesh
as it were some time. Its one of the frustrations of being a gum printer - I
just don't get the opportunity to see other people's work often enough.
> The large format conference was by all accounts a roaring success. About
> 250 attendees and lots of vendors in the vendor area including B+S. Mind
> you this was not primarily an alt affair but the alt folks were highly
> visible and as might be expected they tended to be -- um, how do I say
> this? -- the more dominant faction in terms of accomplishment. Most of the
> attendees were working in 4x5 -- And they called that large format!? --
> Whereas our own Sandy King was working in 20 x 24 and the other alt folks
> basically 8x10 and larger. Interstingly, if you can believe the vendor
> booth activity, there was less interest in digital that in alt, we had 7
> people working our booth and we could have used more! We did sell a ton of
> Dan Burkholders' digital negative book though. Alt is growing.
This is good news Dick perhaps it is different for you guys in the US but up
here in sunny (joke) Scotland it is very thin on the ground. The Hill
Adamson show is the only beacon in the alt universe up here right now :-)
> Ok, and why are the Epson people showing ink-j prints with brush marks
> around them? Oops Giclee prints is the term now. Giclee = "ejaculate" or
> "spurt" in French)
Everyone wants the look without the effort to get there. Your description of
Stuart's prints though explains the reason for the effort.
> --Dick Sullivan
Hamish Stewart - Gum Bichromate Photographer - visit
for gum bichromate images, technical information and links to recommended
resources on alternative photographic processes.
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