Re: Pyro-cat HD

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From: Sandy King (
Date: 03/03/02-10:58:58 PM Z

Hi Don,

The Pyrocat stain is of a different color than that of PMK and ABC+
and is not quite as intense. Visually you may not think of it as
stain at first since the color is more neutral than what you get with
PMK and ABC+. However, if you measure the highlights with a
densitometer, first in B&W mode and then with the Blue channel, you
will find that the Blue channel, which more closely approximates the
actual printing density, reads quite a bit higher.

That assumes that all is well with the chemistry/mixing, etc.

However, processing does matter. If you develop a very small sheet of
film in a large quantity of developer there will not be much stain
because the formation of the stain depends to some extent on partial
exhaustion of the developer, as is also the case with PMK and ABC+.

Sandy King

>Hi Folks,
>I finally had an opportunity to try Sandy King's Pyro-cat developer this
>weekend with some test exposures of Tri-X Pro, 4x5 sheet film.
>Without iterating all of the processing details I was surprised to see that
>there was very little stain. I was expecting something more overt. The
>rebate was very clear and had no sign of staining.
>Should I have seen more color in the stain? I used the formula listed on Ed
>Buffaloe's web site.
>Any comments?
>Don Bryant


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