Re: Pictorico (& Epson & Mac)

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From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 03/07/02-06:05:52 AM Z

Alejandro Lopez de Haro wrote:
> Hi:
> That is nice that you differ, but there are many magazines who only talk
> about Hubs, Ethernet, RAMS, Epson Printers, the latest MAC, etc. and that is
> not photography. As you say: "I beg to differ."

I agree with you, Alejandro; I wouldn't want this to become another
computer list any more than you do, and I apologize for starting this
discussion. I apparently am the last to know that epson no longer
builds printers for non-USB Macs. Since I'm an early adopter who holds
on a long time once I've adopted something, once every few years I'm out
on the cutting edge, and two or three years later I'm way behind the
8-ball. If it's any comfort to you, I have been afraid sometimes that
this list would be taken over by computer discussions, and it's never
actually happened yet.

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