Re: Inkjet transparencies for Pt/Pd and Cyanotype

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/08/02-11:15:17 PM Z

> David Oliver wrote:
> > Dan has two methods of creating a spectral density negative - the "colorize"
> > method and the "color table" method. Any recommendations on which method
> > might be better? Can the color table method really produce a negative with
> > enough density?

I saw Dan's orange negative a year and a half ago, and the platinum print
he made from it. Very impressive. But my *recollection* of that distant
time is that the particular negative he showed me had been made by service
bureau & imagesetter of some sort -- which, if correct, is relevant to
this discussion.

My own experience with imagesetter is with black, not color, but those
negs had distinctly more density than negs printed from same file on the
Epson. Part of the difference was the absence of base fog, but part was
because the image setter neg is silver on film, not dye on acetate.


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