From: Erich Camerling (
Date: 03/12/02-06:38:49 AM Z
As a beginner in gum-bichromate and platinotype I use a piece of
weather-strip from 100% polypropylene multifiliaments as a brush.It's soft
and cheap,doesn't abrade the paper (Arches Platine),doesn't absorb the
solutions and is easy to clean.( in the Netherlands you can buy it as Ellen
tochtstrip "Stopdicht"(PDS-2K-B).May be in the future I will buy the real
Richeson 9010 magic brush when I become an experienced printer but for now I
want to keep my investments low.
The manufacturer of the seal-pile ( see : ) only understands
Spanish (and I have no Spanish),so I couldn't ask him ( via ) where you can buy his product outside the Netherlands.
Erich Camerling
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