Re: Magic brush ?

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From: Neal Oshima (
Date: 03/13/02-04:57:17 AM Z

FWIW, my take on the Richeson brush is that on a big print (30x40") it uses
about the same amount of solution as a Hake of the same width. I suppose its
because the amount that remains in the brush is relatively small on a larger
While it coats very smoothly, it doesn't draw the chemistry as far, since it
holds less solution than the Hake. In other words I would run out of
solution before the end of a 40" brush stroke, particularly in the beginning
of the coating, when the paper is still dry.
Usually the Hake takes on the color of the process that I'm using after a
couple of days. Not the Richeson, which seems to rinse out quickly and
thoroughly. Perhaps one brush can be used for several processes without
I've had no problem with the metal ferrule. Not sure what it would look like
if I did.
Finally, those who have esthetic problems with calligraphic borders will
like the Richeson. Borders look like they were drawn with a putty knife.
Best, Neal

> From: Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:59:58 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: Magic brush ?
> Die kwast die jij zoekt wordt in Nederland bij mijn weten niet verkocht. Een
> zeer goede kwast is de Da Vinci 5080. Deze is in verschillende maten te
> koop, heeft kunststof haren, is zeer zacht, duurzaam en verliest geen haren.
> Hij is bij elke betere kunstenaarsbenodigdhedenwinkel te koop, o.a. bij van
> Ginkel (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Arnhem).
> Ik hem nat met water en sla hem twee keer uit. Daarna zuigt hij nauwelijks
> vloeistof meer. Na gebruik even de haren schoonspuiten met een spuitflesje
> met gedestileerd water, afslaan en hij is weer klaar voor gebruik. Na afloop
> van de print sessie de kwast goed uitspoelen.
> Groet,
> Witho
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Erich Camerling" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:38 PM
> Subject: Magic brush ?
>> As a beginner in gum-bichromate and platinotype I use a piece of
>> weather-strip from 100% polypropylene multifiliaments as a brush.It's soft
>> and cheap,doesn't abrade the paper (Arches Platine),doesn't absorb the
>> solutions and is easy to clean.( in the Netherlands you can buy it as
> Ellen
>> tochtstrip "Stopdicht"(PDS-2K-B).May be in the future I will buy the real
>> Richeson 9010 magic brush when I become an experienced printer but for now
> I
>> want to keep my investments low.
>> The manufacturer of the seal-pile ( see : ) only
> understands
>> Spanish (and I have no Spanish),so I couldn't ask him ( via
>> ) where you can buy his product outside the
> Netherlands.
>> Erich Camerling

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