Re: vacuum easles

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From: Gregory W. Blank (
Date: 03/13/02-10:08:19 PM Z

Tom If the board & glass are relativly flat there will be a tight
seal,I,typically an unhinged piece of glass on an existing 24 x30 vacuum
easel (without glass) I got it for 20 bucks when I worked at Omega,....just
laying around. BTW I use a regular vacuum not the industrial model you
propose. For fiber papers the suction could be stronger, I use it for color
printing papers and RC BW stuff mostly,...the Fiber Papers without the
glass,require breaking the curve of the paper base. I use the easel mostly
for the other formats beside the 8x10 which I love. Since i am required to
shoot other formats, The easel in general produces excellent borderless
prints. Recently I broke my finished piece of glass ( beveled) so I am also
interested in obtaining a complete easel with hinged glass or getting plans
to do my own.

As for building the easel from scratch. The book I mentioned states you
build a frame cover one side and seal edges to increase the suction, one the
other you can use masonite and drill holes spaced 1/4 inch apart and seal
edges around this second side of the box.

on 3/13/02 6:03 PM, Tom Ferguson at wrote:

> Thanks Gregory, I also received similar advice from a local friend. I hadn't
> thought about noise. I will, it is simple enough to do with my
> studio/darkroom setup :-) Any thought on the actual building of the press?

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