From: Carl Sander Socolow (
Date: 03/18/02-10:56:42 AM Z
For that matter, does anyone have any advice on maintaining film
flatness using the 1680 medium-format film holder? I find if there's any
buckle or deviation (which the holder is prone to) then I get unsharp
areas in scans. Has anyone made their own holder (much like a neg
carrier for an enlarge) that isolates one frame and maintains better
flatness? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Carl Socolow
Jonathon Russell wrote:
> Does anyone on the list know if Epson makes a 5x7 and a 8x10 film holder
> for the 1680 scanner? It comes with 35m, 21/4, and 4x5, the scan area
> for transparency is over 8x10.
> Also if someone could e-mail me offlist with the Epson list links I
> would appreciate it.
> Regards,
> Jonathon Russell
> --
> "Expose for the Secrets,
> Develop for the Surprises!"
-- Carl Socolow
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