From: Erich Camerling (
Date: 03/20/02-03:35:42 PM Z
In Europe Philips sells a lot of UV-A tubes :
1: UV-A color 03 ,radiation peak 420 nm
2: UV-A color 05 , radiation peak 370 nm
3: UV-A color 08 , radiation peak 360-370 nm ,
" blacklight" ,nearly no visible radiation
4: UV-A "CLEO" performance , radiation 313 -400 nm
for a solarium
Number 3 (08) is about 3 times the price of number 2(05)
Number 4(CLEO) is by far the cheapest tube.
Number 2 you can buy in 40 W 1200 mm lenght or
40 W 590 mm
65 W 1500 mm
80 W 1500 mm
Number 4 you can buy in 40 W 590 mm
80 W 1500 mm
100 W 1760 mm
I only know the European Order Code,so I don't know what tube Phil( l
?? )ips 046677-30108-5 is.
(Lenght is the tube lenght without the connection pins)
I use myself a bank of 10 tubes 40 W CLEO and have exposure times from
about 3 minutes.
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