Re: Measuring

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From: Sandy King (sanking@CLEMSON.EDU)
Date: 03/26/02-06:58:26 AM Z

>On 26/03/2002 08:59 Judy Seigel wrote:
> > I remembered from those tests of bulb spacing that the 21-steps LOOKED
>> quite different at the different heights -- didn't pay much attention
>> since the step tablets were incidental & I figured the 30-second exposure
>> was too atypical to mean much. But when Sandy INSISTED that exposure at
>> all distances would be pretty much the same, I decided to try a better
> > quality test.

  In numerous tests with several UV banks I have not seen any
appreciable speed gain between 2" and 4" spacing, or even between 2"
and 6" for that matter. There may some slight gain from the closer
clearance but it has been too small in my tests to visually evaluate.
I think tube spacing would also have to be considered in any
comparative tests, along with actually clearance.

However, if we are going to bet a million dollars on this issue I
won't be able to accept as proof such statements as "the 21-steps
Looked quite different at different heights." You would need to read
the steps with a densitometer and then plot the curve to satisfy me.
Moreover, we would need also to make sure we both understand what is
meant by speed gain. Is it to be measured by IDMax or by IDMin, or by
the convention used for silver papers?

Sandy King


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