kallitype questions: EDTA solution life?

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From: shannon stoney (sstoney@pdq.net)
Date: 03/27/02-03:47:07 PM Z

I just made my first kallitype prints today, and I have a few
questions. There seems to be some fogging in the highlights. I am
wondering if that's because I transferred them wet through sunlight
to their washing place. That is, I work in the garage but wash
prints in the bathroom tub, so I carried the prints wet from the
garage, after fixing, to the tub, and they got sunlight on them then.
Also I dried them in a fairly light area on a porch. Could either of
those things cause fogging? The fogging shows up most on the step
tablet beside the image, in the higher values, and in the sky on one
of the prints. It also looks a bit like staining from the dark areas
bleeding into the print; hard to tell which. I dried them on screens
that were slightly elevated at one end.

I am thinking that I should (1) find a way to wash them in the garage
or get a plastic black box to transfer them in from garage to house
and (2) dry them in the dark, maybe on a clothesline in the garage?

Also: how long can you keep an EDTA clearing bath? I cleared seven
prints in one liter of solution. Can I pour that in a bottle and
reuse it?



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