Re: Kamera Korner

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From: Leonard Robertson (
Date: 03/29/02-11:32:32 PM Z

I don't have direct knowledge of the 7X17, but I have a 12X20 F&S and I
suspect they have similar features. My 12X20 has a bellows draw of about 22"
and no provision for an extension track. A 7X17 listed on eBay gave a
bellows draw of 16" - 16.5". If you plan to shoot with short FL lenses this
may not be a problem. When I replace the bellows on my 12X20, I intend to
make the bellows longer and fabricate a rear extension. If you need
extension longer than 16" and don't want to go to the trouble of building an
extension, you might wait for a Korona (an old catalog lists it as having
28" extension, no doubt using an add-on extra track which is often missing
from a used camera). My 12X20 has a non-removable back, so making any sort
of reducing back isn't practical, although with 7X17 that probably isn't an
issue. The 12X20 does have front tilt, something I don't believe the Korona
has (although a tilting lens board could be made for it). I suspect the F&S
is better made and sturdier compared with Korona, but also heavier. Old
catalog weight of the Korona is 10 pounds (which sounds awfully light for a
big camera, so maybe it isn't accurate). I don't have a F&S 7X17 weight.
Unless you plan to buy new film holders, try to find a camera which includes
holders as they will be difficult to find used.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 2:10 PM
Subject: Kamera Korner

> Does anyone have any knowledge of or opinion concerning the Folmer-Schwing
> 7x17 Camera?? Thanks. -Jeff Buckels

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