Re: Kamera Korner

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From: Sandy King (sanking@CLEMSON.EDU)
Date: 03/30/02-09:31:50 AM Z

Leonard wrote:

>If you need
>extension longer than 16" and don't want to go to the trouble of building an
>extension, you might wait for a Korona (an old catalog lists it as having
>28" extension, no doubt using an add-on extra track which is often missing
>from a used camera).

That is correct. The extra bellows draw is provided by an extension
track that goes on the back of the camera. With the extension track
total bellows draw of the 7x17 Korona is 28", or enough to handle up
to about a 24" lens. The 7X17 Korona was commonly offered with the
extension track and about half of the cameras offered on ebay have
this feature. The 12X20 Korona, on the other hand, was rarely if ever
offered with the extension track, though even without the track it
has 24" of bellows draw, somewhat more than the F&S.

> My 12X20 has a non-removable back, so making any sort
>of reducing back isn't practical, although with 7X17 that probably isn't an
>issue. The 12X20 does have front tilt, something I don't believe the Korona
>has (although a tilting lens board could be made for it).

Some Korona banquet cameras do have front tilt, though this feature
is far more common on the 12X20 than on the 7X17.

Sandy King


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