From: Sandy King (
Date: 03/31/02-04:24:29 PM Z
The original post on this subject stated, "I'm using a home-built
light box with 8 Sylvania F20T12BL tubes (about 1/4" between tubes)
and two UltraLux electronic ballasts."
The Ultra-Lux ballast is in fact a HO ballast desintged to handle up
to four F40T12 HO tubes of 24" length. So in theory one could
substitute 24" 40 watt HO tubes in the fixtures and expect to have
some gain in printing speed. However, my experiments with this type
tube and ballast suggests that in reality very little speed gain
would be obtained by exchanging the regular output tubes for high
output ones.
In any event before taking this step I would make certain that the
slow printing speeds was not a chemical problem.
Sandy King
> > Clyde,
>> Although not truely linear, if you swapped
>> to 40 watt units, your printing time should be cut in half.
>> You could also
>> try this, do a couple test exposures in the sun. If the printing time
>> painfully long (I live in Tucson and sunlight prints take only about six
>> ten minutes), look at your chemistry. Good luck.
>> Joe Portale
>I think the swapping of the bulbs might be the wrong thing to do without
>swapping the ballasts. The ballasts for 20W bulbs are generally not
>adequate for 40W bulbs.
>I not sure about the bulbs in use in this situation and their suitability
>for Pt/Pd, but I completely agree with the test Joe describes above.
>BTW, my Pt/Pd prints all come up in about 3-4 minutes and about the same
>time (maybe a little less in the sun).
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