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Re: Another kallitype note
One thought (this may be obvious, forgive me if so) is
change in water quality over the seasons; in two
places I've lived (Minneapolis and Seattle) tap water
in spring has a definite brown tint, which may be due
to a trace of mud or organic matter not found in the
water at other times of the year. I've wondered
if/how this would change my negs/prints (traditional
silver gelatine at present) but have not done any
tests comparing with, say, distilled water.
-- Philip
--- Sandy King <sanking@clemson.edu> wrote:
> Some time back someone on the list, Shannon I
> believe, had a question
> about fogging of the paper when developing either
> kallitype or
> vandyke in daylight. This had not previously
> happened with me but for
> some reason it now has. This past weekend I made a
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