Re: holga source in Chicago?

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From: Eric S. Theise (
Date: 11/01/02-02:12:31 PM Z

Shannon Stoney writes:
> How do you use the Holgas in your pinhole workshop?

Most of my workshops are taught in non-photography venues (print- and
book- making), so there's no guaranteed access to a darkroom. Too, my
assumption is that the people taking the workshops won't have access to a
darkroom either, or the skills. So I try to do things that allow them
to use regular film that can be processed by a regular lab. That means
either fitting a pinhole to the bodycap of a 35mm SLR camera or taking
the lens and shutter off of a Holga and mounting a pinhole to what

I'm basically just trying to come up with a dark chamber and a film
transport mechanism. The Holga takes us some of the way in that direction
(actually, everyone in the last workshop got 12 images out of 12 on
their contact sheets).

In the second meeting, if people want to build a camera out of a container
they bring, I help them do that. But they get the principles in the
first meeting.


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