Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.

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Date: 11/06/02-04:25:48 AM Z

Quoting Michael Healy <>:

> Hi, Richard. I haven't been doing this for very long myself, so my
> experience is limited. But I wonder why you don't just expose one and see
> how THAT rinses out? I believe that exposure to UV actually is changing
> chemistry anyhow.

The issue I am having is washing out the unexposed chemistry. This needs
to be removed to ensure the longevity of the print, as well as giving
clear highlights. I decided to wash the coated paper immediately
after drying as the influience of heat, very low exposure etc. etc.
can be eliminated from the possible causes.

> I suggest that you post a specific list of the papers you're using. What
> brands? Which models of their brands? What is their g/sm? Are they HP?
> Rough? How sized in manufacture?

I really don't think the issue is with the specific papers, but
a problem with my technique. As this list is archived, I decided
not to "name names" as someone could search the archive and
incorrectly think there is a problem with a paper when there is
no such problem. I will say that all except one are 100% rag. All
are HP / smooth surface, and they are good quality papers (Arches,
Fabriano, Saunders, etc.)

Thank you for your reply.


Richard Urmonas
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