Re: slide scanner(s)

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Date: 11/08/02-07:12:14 PM Z

Judy said in her message...

> odds are
>that for my street shots in black & white the extra Dmax & bits are

You're correct in assuming that your b/w negs won't tax the dynamic range
of the scanner (didn't Ansel Adams suggest a 1.1 range for cold light
enlarging) but additional bit depth will help you as you stretch out your
captured tones to get good blacks and whites in your image. Many scanning
experts like to take all 16 bits into Photoshop so they can make stronger
tonal adjustments without concerns for noise, banding and such.

>but the plus is USB -- I sure wouldn't mind one less scuzzy
>peripheral.. The scuzzy card in G4 is ALWAYS suspect when something goes

You're right to want to dump SCSI but don't even think about using the
sloooow USB on the Polaroid Plus model; the Firewire connection is much
faster and trouble-free.

>fie on the so-called "healing brush"

Ah, but you'd never use the healing brush to reduce or eliminate grain!

Have fun with your new scanner!


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