From: John Campbell (
Date: 11/23/02-09:40:55 PM Z
Greetings all--
In keeping with the purely empirical impetus of the on-going discussion, I
have taken the liberty of copying this recent thread to my close confidante
and colleague Boudreaux who resides in a piroux somewhere in the Atchafalya
basin in Louisiana. Boudreaux's been alt processing since, as he puts it,
"befo' there was horses, Cher," and knows the finer points of gelatin, size,
and starch. (You may have caught his recent article "The Crawfish Pinhole"
in the latest issue of Cayenne Cyanotypes.)
Anyway, Boudreaux reports, among other things, the superior qualities of
alligator gonads compared to the bovine varieties for rendering gelatin. It
seems, according to Boudreaux, that alligator jewels produce a rare clarity
and gloss unequalled by any "cloven-hoofed curd-chewer" (my polite
translation of his rather crude Cajun phrase).
I dunno. I'm merely passing along information here.
Also, Boudreaux mentioned raiding alligator eggs from their nests during the
months of April and May. He claims, and I do not doubt his veracity, that
alligator albumen prints a Dmax of 4 to 4.2, depending on the moon at the
time of harvest.
If there are any questions or comments, I'll gladly pass them along.
"We started out with nothing,
and we still have most of it."
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