Re: Homemade UV Unit

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From: Sandy King (
Date: 11/28/02-02:38:49 PM Z

What tubes are you using? If regular daylight tubes you should expect
to have very long exposures. BL or BLB tubes will provide a lot more
UV light.

Sandy King

>Hey everyone,
>Yesterday i completed my first homemade UV unit, having been tired of
>taking notes on the very inconsistent sun. it is an adaptation of the idea
>in the back of the James book. basically i have 7 fluorescent light units
>mounted to the lid of a footlocker, a fan mounted to the inside, blowing
>out, and all of the wires are plugged into a surge protector, which is
>plugged into my darkroom timer.
>so here's my question. i've done a few cyanotypes, and they work alright,
>the only problem being the exposures are insanely long. it took 45 minutes
>to get very much from a neg that wasn't even very dense. so i used this
>little metal shelf to move the negatives closer to the light source, but
>it's still taking a long time. any other ideas i might try? are black
>lights UltraViolet? would that be a stronger source of UV?
>any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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