Date: 10/08/02-12:11:54 AM Z
I'm ...... well I'm speachless.....
too many straight lines and not enough time...
Mark Nelson
In a message dated 10/7/02 2:01:50 PM, ARTHURWG@aol.com writes:
<< On the subject of Vision, I might add that sometime in the 1970s I
attended a gallery show in Soho NYC of portraits made by an artist who
painted with the end of his long brush inserted into his rectum. He viewed
his subject by bending over and looking though his legs, seeing them up side
down, rather like a view camera! He actually performed this feat live, in
the gallery, in front of the gallery goers. The pictures were actually
pretty good, if somewhat loosely painted.
Along these lines, I have seen a book of perfectly made color studio
photos with the title "CaCa," as I remember, these depicting the produce of
a wide range of zoo animals.
And if that's not enough, a recent issue of the French antique camera
magazine Cyclope ran a feature on a medical camera known as "Le Rectal-Flex,"
which utilized a 280cm chrome tube with a light and lens on the end. Just
think what some enterprising artist could make with this.
Arthur >>
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