From: Monnoyer Philippe (
Date: 09/03/02-02:12:22 AM Z
I just want to insist on the fact that the DOW Corning z-6040 epoxysilane is OK to have your emulsion stick to a clean glass surface. This is a fully transparent clean product. One part of that molecule sticks to the glass. The other part reacts with the gelatin and is attached chemicaly to it. The result is a strong bound to the glass surface.
(Ref. in archives :Subject: RE: chrome alum and plate coating Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 14:33:52 +0200 )
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Christina Z. Anderson []
|Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 04:23
|Subject: Re: silane
| Hi Keith! No, this is great you posted this to the list,
|because we
|were discussing using silane as an additive to improve
|adhesion in liquid
|emulsion, and since the liquid emulsion topic comes up every
|couple months,
|it is timely.
| Do you think it may be worth a try to use just regular
|old PVA in the
|mix? Now, I did try some experiments mixing stuff in
|pigments, for instance, and it still worked great even tho
|NEVER use red
|powdered pigment--it looks gross. Powdered pigment into
|emulsion goes a
|looooooooooonnnng way. But if Jack says to mix heavy cream into it to
|emulsify, I don't know why a little PVA wouldn't do
|something...but I had no
|problem at all getting emulsion to adhere to aluminum that was
|1)sanded 2)
|coated with an oil based polymer varnish, to which I also added gold
|pigment...have not tried gum, tho.
| Chris
|----- Original Message -----
|From: "Keith Gerling" <>
|To: <>
|Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 11:52 AM
|Subject: silane
|> Hi Christina,
|> Remember me from a while back? (I think it was you!) We
|were both trying
|> find a source for some of that Dow-Corning Z-6040 silane
|product? Anyway,
|> finally found it. In a word, I find it to pretty much
|worthless, having
|> spent about a month with some chemists trying to figure it
|out. I'd be
|> to send some to you if you like and are still interested.
|> I forgot your intended purpose, but you might be interested
|in mine: I'm
|> trying to print a series of grain elevators on aluminum
|panels using gum
|> bichromate. When it works, the metal shining through and around the
|> pretty much captures the actual look of a metal grain elevator. I'm
|> on about 30 of these pictures, of which about half were all
|located in
|> Montana!
|> Let me know if you still want this stuff (and my advice,
|unless you know
|> anything about it, is to forget it!)
|> Later,
|> Keith
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