Re: Gum bichromate and photographing the nude, was Re: "CALENDAR ARTIST"

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From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 09/10/02-08:17:15 AM Z

Kerik wrote:
> Ha! Tell that to Steichen and Steiglitz!
> >
> >... and it seems like maybe the
> >platinum printers are finally catching up with us on their perceptions
> >of what gum is capable of.
> >

You misunderstood me, I think. I wasn't suggesting that no one has ever
printed gum over platinum with good effect before, or even that that
none of the old guys ever printed plain gum to good effect, although
there aren't any gum printers from the past that I personally have
wanted to emulate.. My point was simply that most of the naysayers about
what gum on this list have been platinum printers, not gum printers, to
my recollection. and we're not hearing that so much any more. That's all
I meant. I always suspected that those who said that (gum= grainy, no
detail) had never seen the wide range of gum printing that's available
to see.

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