Re: digital question (flaunt expertise, please...)

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 09/20/02-10:19:50 PM Z

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 wrote:
> If you made a step tablet on an imagesetter, you would get more density, and
> thus the capability of steps more similar to a Stouffer's. Digital film from
> an imagesetter will render density between 3.0 and 4.0 I believe.

Hi Mark,

My theory so far is that I should have the step tablet on the material I'm
going to be printing the negs in, otherwise I might as well use the
Stouffer. I realize my reasoning has been amply flawed so far, and may be
flawed in this -- If so, can you clarify?

> As far as doing a steptablet by using the posterize command goes, it's
> probably fine for gum. (hehehehe just kidding)

That's OK -- there really is a tremendous amount of latitude in gum, or
there is the way I print it, so maybe it is OK. On the other hand, if you
need one kind of curve to get the steps even, and apply that to the step
tablet, you probably need a DIFFERENT curve to make the image itself right
for gum. But wouldn't I have to apply that curve to the step tablet on top
of the other one, otherwise it would be irrelevant for that negative...??
Begins to seem like 3-dimensional chess.

> ....It will get you pretty
> close, thought the steps may not be equal in size (if that bothers you).

It makes me nervous to see giant steps in the highlights, just where
you need slooooow... I don't care so much if they're even, as if they're

Anyway back to the drawing board. thanks,


> Hope this helps,
> Flauntingly yours,
> Mark Nelson

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