From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 01/01/03-12:25:45 AM Z
On Wed, 1 Jan 2003, Don Bryant wrote:
> > Can't go 3rd party in the 2200/7600/9600/10600 series. Chipped
> cartridges.
> Media Street sells CIS carts for the 2200 plus a chip resetter tool.
Wow ! Almost makes me want a 2200 just for the chip resetter... but it's
too much trouble for only 1/8 inch wider than my 1160 -- which has no
Have you got one? what does it cost? a couple of years ago on the
Epson list someone posted an explanation of how to reset the chips
yourself... if I recall correctly. But I suppose Epson read that list, and
found a way to beat it.
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