From: Jack Fulton (
Date: 01/03/03-12:13:38 AM Z
the setting is usual for Macs but the 2.2 is often used. I use the 2.2
setting for I like the results. It looks a bit brighter. Other than that I
don't quite know the difference. It is what works for me.
> I am printing negs on the Epson 1280 and saw there was a box for changing
> the gamma setting to either 1.8 or 2.2. Since i'm on a PC and it uses a
> gamma of 2.2, should I set the gamma for 2.2? How does changing the gamma of
> the printer effect printing? I was on the website and saw in
> the workflow section that it says to set the gamma to 1.8 for printing. Is
> that only for Macs or does it apply to PCs as well?
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