Re: Toning Cyanotype & coating gum

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Date: 07/20/03-09:49:32 PM Z

Quoting Judy Seigel <>:

> And on another topic, since this is my last sheet of stationery -- in
> my
> experience the least good way to coat paper for a gum print is with a
> rod.
> It may be OK for gumoil (tho I doubt that's a good beginner medium),
> but
> the gum emulsion is whisked or burnished onto the paper, best and
> traditionally done with spreader and then a dry brush (often a hake).
> The rod lays down a coat which, in gum, odds are is too thick & not
> attached -- so probably best reserved for emulsions that soak into the
> paper, eg platinum, VDB, kalli. Gum doesn't.
> Where you're not trying to eke out a coat with the fewest drops, it's
> safer & easier to just flow/slosh it on.... (tho of course if you're
> coating by bug light -- that's more grief).
> Judy
I've never used a rod myself, but I've seen it mentioned quite bit.....I use a
hake brush to apply the gum, then a dry foam roller to spread and give an even
texture. this works really well for me anyway! Its just a tiny cheapie roller
from a convenience store - I have a couple with extra replaceable heads.

Kate Mahoney

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