Re: fogging; japanese photography; gum

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/01/03-12:29:18 PM Z

    Sort of along the same vein: I am currently printing my Japanese
enlarged negatives :) on gum, does that fit this topic??? Anyway, unsized
Rives BFK, 6g of lamp black pigment mixed into 12 ml of gum arabic from
Daniel Smith, mixed equally with am di at 24% (12g per 50ml) that has been
sitting around in my cupboard for 4 years and still works just FINE (and so
does the 4 year old gum AND the four year old mixed pigments) made a
wonderfully rich one coat, deep, black, moody print. I was taking Livick's
word on his astronomical (to me) amount of pigment he uses in his gum
solution. We were taught to mix 3g pigment into 50 ml gum!! Livick's is
8.33 times that amount! And I chose lamp black because of its staining
capability/high coverage capability so that if Livick was overmixing his
gum/pigment ratio, it should appear---not that this is the quinacridones or
thalos, tho. I coated half the print in the old ratio, half in Livick's,
on alum and unsized paper both, exposed at 12 minutes and 24 minutes under
the UV lightbox (Edwards) and then did my full print on unsized Rives BFK
paper at about 8 minutes. The old color formula was quite anemic, and not
worth it, so even if I was multiple coating I would mix way more pigment
into the gum than 3g, for lamp black anyway.
     My point is that those who are scared to try gum for all the horror
stories about how difficult it is, yes it can be, but it is also a great
process to fool around with and get what you get. And if you don' t feel
like sizing your paper, try Rives BFK and one coat and lots of lamp black.
After I go thru each color I have in this way on unsized and strong pigment,
then I'll test the myriad easy sizes I have on file--acrylic, gesso, etc.
and then onto "king" gelatin hardened with glyoxal. More, as usual and
always, later.

----- Original Message -----
From: "The Painted Horse" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: fogging; japanese photography; gum

> Shannon Stoney wrote:
> I am sold on the gum idea now, whereas previously I had not been too
> I've been lurking for about a year on this list just reading and trying
> to digest as much information as possible. A lot of the processes
> discussed here are still a bit foreign to me and most I had not even
> seen examples of until finding this forum. Just yesterday I picked up
> "The Book of Alternative Photgraphic Processes" by Christopher James.
> Needless to say I was astounded at what the pages before me displayed.
> My current work is a compilation of working in 8x10 pinhole, 8x10
> Polaroid Transfers, and using Holgas.
> I realized, after giving the book a quick glance, that I haven't even
> begun to scratch the surface of what is available photographically.
> Anyway, to relate this to Shannon's post. As of late there has been
> quite a bit of discussion of the gum process and I am amazed how
> diversely this process can render itself. Truly wonderful.
> Bill Mull-

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