Re: Digital Negative & Piezography NEWS

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Date: 03/04/03-04:03:19 PM Z

This is true—Pictorico Film will scratch easily.

As far as the inks working well with Pictorico film, I know the pigment based
Epsons, the 2000p, 7500, 9500, 10000CF all will print beautifully on
Pictorico. The negatives come out of the printers perfectly dry. You can
rub across the "emulsion" with your finger and the ink will NOT smear.

Mark Nelson

In a message dated 3/4/03 1:10:51 PM, writes:

<< You may have seen some of my posts that have asked for an answer to the

search for the Holy Grail of DCN's. The problem is that every attempt to

put black/gray inks on clear based film results in what Joe described as:

Handle Pictorico OHP with great care: the "emulsion" side scratches if

you look at it cross-eyed.

This pertains to virtually every combination of films and Black/Gray inks

that I have tested - I believe Sandy said he is getting good results with a

2200? and some proprietary Epson ink for that printer and there may be other

combinations that work, but none that are available for just any printer

that I am aware of, until recently. >>

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