From: Joe Tait (
Date: 03/03/03-12:36:53 PM Z
I know others here use Piezography on Epsons to do B&W prints, but I haven't
heard anything on using them for diginegs except a passing reference on Dan
Burkholder's website (which was positive I recall). Anyone care to share
I am kind of excited at the possibility because Jon Cone today announced a
system for Canon printers with "from the ground up" reformulated PiezoTone inks
for Canon printers (
What sounds like exceptionally good news is that the inkset is designed to be
able to print on glossy coated paper, which to me means a higher likelihood of
compatibility with trans material. I have seen some Peizo prints and I think
they look great and the _almost_ continous-tone was refreshing compared to the
apparent dither and banding I have seen on all close examination of any inkjet
print. I have seen that translate into prints with my initial trials on using
spectral negs on a Canon S9000, so I am eagerly looking at this potential
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