Date: 03/04/03-11:06:41 PM Z
I don't have a dye based ink printer handy to test.... you can easily get 2.0
with Epson pigment inks.... I think that will work with a lot of
processes.... First of all, be sure you are using a media setting that lays
down the amount of ink you need. That's easy to test. I got a range of 1.1
to 2.4 density with different media settings....that's quite a range. If you
need a LOT more density, then go to an imagesetter negative, you can get a
density of 4.0 and expose for a week hehehehe
In a message dated 3/4/03 10:37:05 PM, jseigel@panix.com writes:
<< But Mark, if i recall correctly, the pigment based inks won't get the
D-max of the dye inks... For gum it's enough of course, but for salt and
other, probably not ?! >>
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