From: Matti Koskinen (
Date: 03/05/03-08:53:24 AM Z
Thanks to all for your help.
Apparently my working method wasn't the best for the cheap paper. I
tried to expose for 3x10 min development time. Now I exposed outside on
a cloudy day 10 mins and developed as long as it took, about 1.5 hrs.
The cheap paper works just fine, but the print is quite contrasty using
raw sienna pigment, whereas using ivory black shows much more tones.
Anyway, I'm making some progress (and encountering more problems :-)
Heidi Weller wrote:
> Matti
> I use pastel paper, Canson Mi Teintes at about 88 cents per sheet for
> practice. This paper doesn't have the greatest wet strength, so you have to
> be careful, but it's cheap, and frequently available locally. I like the
> texture, and the off-white colors.
> Heidi
> Ashland, OH
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