From: Jack Brubaker (
Date: 03/05/03-01:19:52 PM Z
Christopher Lovenguth wrote:
I'm still obsessed with getting in to an MFA program
You know there are other real alternatives (there's that word again) to MFA
programs. I run a blacksmith shop and have young smiths come by for a day or
months to see how I work, how I set up my studio, and working for me in
exchange. These are serious, well experienced smiths who are traveling from
shop to shop getting a broad picture of the trade and the skills of many
recognized masters. Is it possible for you to open a door to visit someone
whose work you admire? If you can and do it with tact and leave your art
school ego at home you might get a recommendation to another master and you
will have started the chain that can build into an experience like the old
juorneyman's travels. An MFA is an apprenticeship of sorts. If one door is
closed see if another is open...
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