From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/06/03-12:02:34 AM Z
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
> Now, here's what Anderson says, in relation to (shock) varnishing
> platinum--who knows how archival, and of course those of you perfect
> platinum printers probably wonder why anyone would resort to these ideas
> with a print that costs $7 for an 8x10 by my calculations, or even shine up
> a print in the first place, but:
> 1. French picture varnish diluted with alcohol (?) (still available?)
That's the vernis soehnee I'm looking for. Came across it a couple
of times by name,too.... but no formula.
> 2. Johnson or Old English Floor Wax (!), brushed on with a stiff brush and
> then polished with a rag (anyone have some of this and can tell me what is
> in it? Or I'll just have to make a trip to the grocery store...)
> 3. Butcher's Boston Polish (slight pink cast) (still available?)
I tried both of the above quite some time ago... no effect, or nothing
desirable. Remember that one of the things Demachy said about his vernis
was that it didn't gloss the paper whites... But then his paper didn't
have a gelatin size, so.... all bets are off anyway.
> 4. 3% gelatin solution.
I did that -- I'd say ugly as sin but not sure how ugly sin is. anyway it
was ugly.
> Neblette's is:
> transparent celluloid 1 oz.
> castor oil 1/8 oz.
> amyl acetate 16 oz.
> methyl alcohol 4 oz.
> Immerse dry print for one minute, then drain, hang, and dry.
Are you going to mix that?
> or
> borax 30g
> glycerin 30ml
> shellac 70gm
> water 1000ml
> boil for 1/2 hr and add
> methyl alcohol 250ml
Chris, wasn't it you who set fire to the place boiling shellac? Or was
that melting wax? Anyway, that sounds like a good one to try... that is,
the ingredients are available and not (AFAIK) VIOLENTLY explosive.
My recollection BTW is that Neblette was not talking hand coated on
artists paper, but varnish on commercial paper or even film... tho it was
a while back. I'll check.
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