From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/07/03-10:37:42 AM Z
<from Judy> Chris, wasn't it you who set fire to the place boiling shellac?
Or was
> that melting wax?
(gulp) yes it was was linseed oil and paraffin. I had left it for
a while and went to the computer and forgot about it. But, I do have to say
that I prefer this linseed oil/paraffin mix to other methods of waxing
negs-it dries hard and doesn't "weep" and transparentizes better than other
things such as straight beeswax. It must be the oil helps to make the
paraffin even thinner, better flowing, and hence more even and more seethru.
I have not tried it out in the sun, though, for instance, with an alt
process, to see if the sun's heat would melt the stuff and make a mess on
your neg, which I would assume it might. Under my UV's it doesn't get hot,
but the straight paper neg I had of RC unpeeled worked fine for cyano
anyway, in an hr exposure in the sun.
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